Friday, January 18, 2013

Open your Mind and Let your Body be Free

I love where I live and where I've grown up. I've been allotted this freedom to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I've grown up with the ability to not only live within the box but to experience life outside of it and that is what is most important to me. Freedom! I was taught tolerance towards the unknown. There in lies fear. We fear what we do not understand what we do not know.

I want to open your eyes to what is out there, out here, out in the world. Sometimes when we live in a Metropolitan city we are blind to the world outside of the city. There are so many people who can't tell the difference between a goat and a lamb, can't tell you how plants survive, they don't know that some cities don't have skyscrapers or a Starbucks on every corner. We think some people live sheltered lives and sometimes we do too, to an extent.

Point of this that I want you to hear me out. I love to write lesbian stories, most of the one's that are out there and published are Lesbian Erotica.  That said, sex is a large part of what I write but more than that is the act of love. Now I know many will not agree with me but for me Sex is directly connected to love. The love of the person you are with, the love of who they are, the love of their body or the love of the act.

All this has lead me to being open minded about trying new things.

My wife and I have been together 7 years and we were pretty new to everything when we first got together. Now that being said we weren't for long. When we got together it was hard for us to do anything other than leave the bedroom, I mean we had months of repressed feelings to get through. It took a while to get past the newness and truth be told it's still new for us.

The best part about being with someone you love and love being intimate with is, finding new things to do and new ways to do it. Explore each other and take your time and never be to shy to ask for what you want or need. Hiding what you want is just going to make you frustrated. One of the funnest and easiest ways to try something different is a sex toy.

                             The fully-waterproof and rechargeable dual action vibrator an industry-first SenseMotion remote control, a 3X greater wireless range and a 50% stronger motor.Curved silicone toy with built-in handle and raised detailsClear dildo massager made of pyrex glass by Pipedream.
I know some people are really adverse and believe that anything on your body is fair game and therefore you don't need anything else and by all intents an purposes you are right. But let me tell you a toy can add an extra something that leaves your mouth and hands free to do as they please while adding some stimulation somewhere else. Just give it a thought for a little while and soon enough I'll give you a list of fun stuff to try that won't be too hard.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me.

Now it isn't a taboo or at least it shouldn't be. If there's one thing I am willing to talk about its sex. If anyone knows anything about me it is that I write Lesbian Erotica. I read all sorts of books and I have favorites like everyone else. After many years of trying to figure out what I like, writing is highest on the list. I'm generally considered a Lesbian and I'm cool with that. I mean I dated girls, my wife's a woman so yea I'm a lesbian.

Now because I identify with that sexuality I like to read about others relationships. I live in LA and most people think that we are just like the characters on The L Word or The Real L word. Now that isn't absolutely wrong because my wife is a make up artist and works for companies during Fashion week. I myself work, well its safer for me to not say what I do, this life and that life don't exactly mesh too well. But what I love to do is Cook and Write, two of my biggest hobbies.

That being said I'm sure all Lesbians must have encountered at some point some difficulty with finding someone with similar interest to you.Well when I started writing it was an outlet for me to reach others just like me. Give them an idea of what life is like out there. My stories include a lot of truth to them and that's the fun part deciphering the truth from the fantasy.

Going further I have to say that sex can be such a touchy subject for so many people. It doesn't have to be. Sex is natural as long as it is between two consenting adults I say go for it, just be safe.

Now if you asked me about sex in High School; I looked away I wasn't going to talk about it, hell most of my friends were straight so hearing about straight sex was worse, I couldn't understand why anyone wanted to do it. Then I became  lesbian and figured out ways of having orgasms and I was like wait my friends never talk about that part. All that other stuff means nothing compared to the release of euphoria when you're just so tense. When you don't even want to move because you just want to enjoy the bliss. I'm getting ahead of myself.

Just remember sex isn't a taboo subject, especially not with your partner. Talk about like and dislikes, preferences and hell even fantasies they may just surprise you and maybe you can surprise them too. Be open to new ideas to share with each other and be willing to listen as you expect them to listen to you. Don't be scared because of everything you may have been told growing up. I promise you there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex between two hot and horny consenting adults.

Temptress chemise and g-string - Babydolls and chemises - EdenFantasys