Saturday, December 8, 2012

Being Sick

 I'm sorry I have been away but I have been sick. With wonderful infections such as swollen tonsils, coughing, aches, fevers, runny nose well you get the point. It started on Monday and refuses to give up but I had no choice but to push on since I had to work all day. Finally after a few days I spoke to my mother and she heard I was sick and she reminded me of why I don't tell her I am sick.

I figured I would give you insight into a few home made remedies. Also a few not so home made but trustworthy amongst Hispanic families.

1- Gargle with a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and water 50/50 and don't swallow. (Tonsil

2- Gargle with salt water just some salt in water. (Tonsil infection, sore throat, coughing)

3- Ginger tea- 2 Cups of water, 1/2 cup of ginger root sliced, a cinnamon stick and the juice of one lemon.  Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 10 minutes. It will be spicy because of the ginger so if you're not a fan put less. When you drink a cup you can add honey according to your sweet tooth.


 4- Vick's Vapo Rub- You can rub it anywhere and everywhere in their opinion. Main places to rub chest, back, arm pits, soles of your feet and nose. Any where else is at your own risk. It will also help with acne for some people. All this is at your own risk, read the label for appropriate uses.

5- When taking a shower add rubbing alcohol to the water. You can fill a bucket if you have one and just use some sort of object to pour it on yourself. Keep away from eyes or open wounds. Remember all at your own risk.

6- Lastly and the most recently added is Thera-flu. Self explanatory just follow the label on the box.

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