Now it isn't a taboo or at least it shouldn't be. If there's one thing I am willing to talk about its sex. If anyone knows anything about me it is that I write Lesbian Erotica. I read all sorts of books and I have favorites like everyone else. After many years of trying to figure out what I like, writing is highest on the list. I'm generally considered a Lesbian and I'm cool with that. I mean I dated girls, my wife's a woman so yea I'm a lesbian.
Now because I identify with that sexuality I like to read about others relationships. I live in LA and most people think that we are just like the characters on The L Word or The Real L word. Now that isn't absolutely wrong because my wife is a make up artist and works for companies during Fashion week. I myself work, well its safer for me to not say what I do, this life and that life don't exactly mesh too well. But what I love to do is Cook and Write, two of my biggest hobbies.
That being said I'm sure all Lesbians must have encountered at some point some difficulty with finding someone with similar interest to you.Well when I started writing it was an outlet for me to reach others just like me. Give them an idea of what life is like out there. My stories include a lot of truth to them and that's the fun part deciphering the truth from the fantasy.
Going further I have to say that sex can be such a touchy subject for so many people. It doesn't have to be. Sex is natural as long as it is between two consenting adults I say go for it, just be safe.
Now if you asked me about sex in High School; I looked away I wasn't going to talk about it, hell most of my friends were straight so hearing about straight sex was worse, I couldn't understand why anyone wanted to do it. Then I became lesbian and figured out ways of having orgasms and I was like wait my friends never talk about that part. All that other stuff means nothing compared to the release of euphoria when you're just so tense. When you don't even want to move because you just want to enjoy the bliss. I'm getting ahead of myself.
Just remember sex isn't a taboo subject, especially not with your partner. Talk about like and dislikes, preferences and hell even fantasies they may just surprise you and maybe you can surprise them too. Be open to new ideas to share with each other and be willing to listen as you expect them to listen to you. Don't be scared because of everything you may have been told growing up. I promise you there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex between two hot and horny consenting adults.
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