Roses are Red Violets are blue it wouldn't be the 14th without a poem or two.
Well it's Valentine's Day and Target shelfs have been wiped out, florists are being raided and men are scrambling to figure out what's going on. I mean I have been planning for this day for almost a month so I'm in the clear. I know many will form the argument that you don't need a special day to tell the one you love how you feel but I think you do. You can go against society but you're the only one who is going to be screwed when you partner is expecting a present and your all badass oh sorry baby I don't believe in a Hallmark moment.
Anyways some few tips for those last minute romantics out there.
If you lack culinary talent grab a few recipes from online and make her something and shape it into a heart. Pancakes, a sandwich, anything cute and creative. Don't forget how easy strawberry's are. Get a tub of nutella if she likes that and spoon onto a cute plate, for dipping. Whip cream is always good. Get her, her favorite drink such as a latte or juice that you know she loves. This will show her you pay attention. That can be like a pre-present you know just to show her you love her.
Flowers if you have some in your back yard or a friends fresh cut flowers in a beautiful vase or wrapped in newspaper and red and pink colored tissue paper, a definite plus.
Don't forget a card everyone's loves to here sentimental stuff even if you didn't write it. Just don't forget to not just sign your name but include a few words to make it seem personal.
Plans for the night.
Remember it is about both of you. Now don't be selfish and love your partner and show them how much you love them. In the end when they see how much you are willing to do for them they will go the extra mile for you. Try and look and smell your best. A fresh shaving, a shower a few surprises they may not be expecting. Surprises are usually a good thing, when thought out of course.
Well enjoy you night and have fun.
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