Saturday, March 16, 2013

Religion or Faith

I am a persona created by the figment of my imagination living a life of freedom. Unfortunately in the real world I am still living in a box. 

Now here me out I was born into a Catholic family. Baptized into the religious faith and continued through Catholic School and received my Sacraments through the Catholic faith. Now I will never throw my religion into anyone's face. As with any belief system NO it is not perfect. I understand that, believe me coming from a Lesbian I get that. However it is a religion like any other created by man.

All religions go back to one person, a higher power whatever you call them, and many religions have stemmed from Catholicism. A wise woman once told me, God is too big for just one religion.

I am truly lucky enough to say that I grew up in a liberal society. I went to Catholic school for a large part of my life and I was blessed with sisters, nuns, priest and teachers who tried to preach about love and forgiveness and no judgment of others. Stay with me here I know this isn't easy for everyone to understand. I am not about the religion itself but more about the faith I believe in.

There are many things about my religion that I do not believe in. However what I do believe in is faith, in a higher power, in the basics on how to live a virtuous life. I believe in treating others as I want to be treated. Just as our government laws are often outdated so are religions, but you can't force them to just accept what has been unacceptable for so long. You have to work at it and let's face it, it's easier to fight the government about marriage than a church.

I'm not here to convert anyone but what I want to say is to have faith in something.  Believe in something, believe in the good of the world and in the good in others. But don't forget, it is better to let go of people who do you no good, than to try to hold on to someone who does you harm.

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