Saturday, December 22, 2012


I'm relatively young especially in this economic market. I mean I'm allowed to still live with my parents because of the recession. I did already graduate from college and life isn't all peaches and cream sometimes.

Anyway, I know the economy is tough for so many. I remember growing up with the idea that you go to college get a degree and then BAM! you have this great job and that wasn't the case. I come from an immigrant family and I wasn't the first to go to college. I have 2 cousins who have Bachelors and one who is a Pharmacy Technician as well as a brother with and Engineering degree. We are all kind of smart, but none of that means anything in this economy.

I graduated and was making more money at my part-time job, per hour than I would have as a Behavioral Therapist full time. Doesn't that suck, I mean how many of us haven't been in that position. I read somewhere that getting a job nowadays is like being in a lesbian relationship. You either do it over the internet or you have to know someone for a referral.

Point of all this is that we are al in the same boat. It isn't easy and it isn't just you. I have friends who sometimes say my parents ask about getting married and having kids and all this other stuff and I'm not in a situation where I'm financially stable. I agree. I mean I want kids but not under such unstable conditions. During our parents times you could get two jobs anywhere. Nowadays it seems like you have to be unqualified and uneducated to get a mediocre job because or else they think your just expecting too much.

Sometimes I have encountered hiring managers who have said that when they see resumes of people who are overqualified I don't hire them because I think they can do better. But then I think if someone is applying it's because they need it. As I said earlier don't give up the right job will find you. Just keep trying don't give up and in the mean time find something you love to do and enjoy it. Once that perfect job comes around you won't have time for what you love. Although a word advice find what you love and do that for a living.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog! I saw you had a blog on your profile at Lit.

    I laughed so hard when I read "I read somewhere that getting a job nowadays is like being in a lesbian relationship. You either do it over the internet or you have to know someone for a referral".

    Can I get a referral please? :)
