Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Can we just take a second and acknowledge all of our crazy exes. I mean all the relationships, dating and almost might have been that are in our lives. I have been happily married for two years now and with my wife a total of SeVeN years together. In all that time I have encountered some interesting situations.

There are a few people in my life that have been around for about 10 - 15 years. Now this may not seem to be in order but I am writing as it comes to  me so bear with me. As a lesbian how many have encountered the straight-girl-friend who says something along the lines of "why didn't you hit on me" or "Am I not your type?" If you haven't, be thankful. If you have its awkward. I mean what do you say, "Oh you're not my type." Classic response: "So what is your type?" It takes a little while for things to return to normal after that. A few girls will feel that they are entitled to be hit on by you because you are their close lesbian friend. It's actually pretty funny, just don't laugh in their face.

Then there is the aggressor, who doesn't think it is even a possibility that you are not interested and they are throwing themselves at you. That can get a little weird. I mean just because your straight doesn't mean you go for everything with a penis.

The best one is let's pretend we are dating and I'll be your girlfriend and cock-block you every time we are out together. I mean seriously you have to hold my hand every time we go out. It starts of cute and then you realize you get all the benefits of having a girlfriend except for the sex. You get the jealousy, Friday night dates, hugging and cuddling but no sex.

Well the point is that I think straight or gay you end up with at least one if not more exes in your life and I have one that is just a pain in my ass. I broke up with her and it was amicable you know we left things on good terms. As the years have gone by we have formed our own lives and for the first few years we were good, you know still close and talking. Then our lives went into totally different directions and well people change. I am pretty much the same except I don't take anyone's shit anymore. Before I used to think its easier to just let them say what they want and if I'm really bothered I'll say something if not I just ignore it.

Well she is not to be ignored and now she wants my life. Her and one of my other so called close friends spend their lives trying to live up to my life. She spends her days making indirect comments, all I can say is I'm over High School drama. Don't come back into my life looking for a reason to make me unhappy. My happiness is not determined by the opinions of others and yours shouldn't either. You can be the most beautiful person in the world and someone will always disagree.

Here is the best advice I can give anybody. Live and let live. Don't live anyone else's life but your own.  You're going to lose people in your life and realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how much you appreciate them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough. Sometimes you just have to learn to let people go, and let the past stay in the past.

Good luck with all your exes.

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