Friday, November 30, 2012

The Grass is greener on the Other Side!

I Love my mom. Now I know this may not seem relevant to me or to this blog but bear with me. I want to show you a little something I have come to appreciate.

Growing up my mom would tell me one day you are going to thank me for being so strict. My obvious grumbling under my breath, yea when pigs fly. I am telling you in confidence hoping you won't tell her, I am thankful to her. When I was a kid my mom seemed selfish, mean, angry, hostile and every other word you use to describe a parent as a teenager. All those adjectives were probably accurate to the person she could be but for a specific reason.

Not to get too off track, but sometimes her menstrual cycle made her crazy and she didn't understand it. Women haven't always discussed their personal lives, issues and concerns freely with others, making it difficult to understand what is going on in their lives. She read a book about 8 years ago and that helped her a lot to deal with many woman based problems.

As I got older I realized the grass was so fucking green on my side. I had great parents compared to others. I'm neither bragging nor insulting I just want others to appreciate what they have. Every single parent will make mistakes. Being a parent is all about learning. Children are brought into this world to teach us all something. Children keep us on our toes. Now not all of us are meant to be parents. My aunt has made an amazing aunt and Godmother to many of us, but she would not have been a great mom, it just wasn't for her.

The lessons I learned from my mom are simple; be strict, consistent and selfless. Everyone will make mistakes but they are there for us to learn from them. Never take any experience in vain, use it as a building block to be a better person. This is what makes a good parent not buying them everything they want. I am warning you that makes brats. Once your baby is born they become your child and you become their parent. They will have lots of friends and they don't need another friend they need a parent or parents. Only you can provide that.

Children are the greatest gift and they should never be taken for granted.

My mom isn't and will never be perfect, but she has taught me many valuable lessons not just about being a parent but also about life. I love her and on certain days I hate her and I can accept that. I love her for the person she has grown to be. The person she has changed into. The person who has made me a better person.

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