Saturday, November 10, 2012


We are whatever we want to be. I want to be someone that I love. I want to love what I do.

Something that I love to do is write. I write stories, post, descriptions, captions whatever tickles my fancy. Currently I'm writing erotic lesbian stories. You can find a few stories HERE.  I have created an interactive way for my readers to experience my stories, by creating outfits for the characters on Polyvore. The outfits can also be found on Pinterest. 

Each story is mine and believe me if you feel that any character is familiar it is strictly a coincidence because these characters only exist in my imagination. Although all of them are based on something. Some of the views and opinions are not always easy to swallow. They may or may not be my view, but devil's advocate is a role I thrive on. I find it important to understand both points of view in order to defend your own. 

The one thing I have learned is, that life is never perfect. When you find stability there is usually something around that may offset you once again. The one thing I can't deny is that I love a happy ending. However, no story truly ends in real life. I want to give you all hope that love does exist. The mistake many of us make is that after our first love, we think it'll never happen again.  Do me a favor and be open to it. 

At the age of 18 I gave up on love and life with someone else. I had resigned myself to be alone. It was then that I met my wife. She snuck up on me. She was a strange anomaly who was just too happy for me. That was the best part, she was the exact person I never saw myself with. We went into our friendship literally just wanting to be friends. At the time she was a straight, women were never of any interest to her. She was unavailable to me, I mean I always knew she was pretty but I refrained from looking at her as dating potential. When we both realized what was happening well here we are a few years later happily married. 

My wife would be considered lipstick to the full extent. Her hair and make up are always done. Heels are a daily necessity for her. Outfits are put together the day before to make sure they are perfect. She packs for a two day trip like were going on a two week cruise. She loves to paint her nails. I mean to tell you how unexpected it was for me to date someone like her, before I met her all I ever did was wash my face and moisturize so everything she did was mind boggling. At this point I can tell you what a contouring brush is for when doing your make up, yup she has been a huge influence in my life and vice versa.

Our circumstances made it difficult for us to even think we could be together and to make it happen was scary. Everything pointed to us not being together not including the simple facts that we were both women. Being of a hispanic background myself and her having a hispanic and middle eastern background was the first of many trials we had to face. None of that mattered though when it came to the person I fell in love with and the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with; the woman who has promised to spend the rest of her life with me.

You see as teenagers we tend to be a little tragic. I admit I sure was. Although, if you ask my friends they'll tell you otherwise. They may say that I was very mature and confident but I had insecurities that I never showed to the world. I gave up on love at 18 after my fist girlfriend, and I was the one who broke up with her. At that age the world starts and ends with us. We can't see past today to a better tomorrow. I thought I would be forever alone.

So if you're out there and think that it'll never happen, stop stressing. The love of our life may come in the least expected time in the least expected package. Trust me, please enjoy your youth, enjoy your life because its yours and no one elses'. Love yourself first you know you've heard that. Give yourself the opportunity to be happy for at least one day in your life.

If you ever feel like your alone write to me and I'll be your friend. Don't expect me to be fake. I'll be honest with you and I won't sugar coat it. Remember to accept your faults and learn to get past them. Don't just accept your faults and say well I know my faults and I accept them so you should too. That makes no sense. Accept your faults and make the necessary changes in your life to fix or modify your faults. Make it possible for others to be with you and not just stand you. Not changing to become a better person impedes growth of the mind body and soul. Be willing to become a better person and learn from your experiences. All those experiences will teach you something you will need when you find that special someone.

Love will always find a way!

1 comment:

  1. Wow another strong message full of hope and understanding!
